Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a day to celebrate...

it's so hard to believe that a little over 10 yrs. ago i had my first little baby girl!! at the age of 19 it was quite the experience in every way! we have had a very busy time trying to make the most of our summer and so for ashton's bday we took her camping in the tri cities.

once we arrived we told ashton she can pick any place to have her birthday dinner to my luck she chose her favorite and mine.....pf chang's...yum! my mouth waters just thinking about it!!
these pictures make me laugh every time.....ha ha...my husband might ring my neck for posting these but i just can't help it...they are so fun!!!
i love it when a family doesn't always have to be so prim and proper but can let loose and be silly...and enjoy life...this day was special....this day 10 yrs. ago was even more special.....it was the day i got my little ashton from god! one of the best days really....he has a purpose for her life that even i don't know but am so privileged to be her earthly mother....HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH!! your the best gift any mother could ask for.....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hidden Beauty

so my husband and i decided that we are gonna take our little family on lots of little adventures this summer....all of which are in our own back yard. we live in such a beautiful part of the country and there are so many hidden treasures to find......
so our first little adventure was to multnomah falls...we were gonna enjoy the scenery...enjoy each other....and hike all the way to the top....
well we did just that...although i would have to say...hiking to the top was much easier when i was 16 instead of 30. i realized i am in terrible shape...but i didn't give up and we made it to the top!
i have to say it was all worth it...we had a blast...it was gorgeous!......and the kids loved every minute of it!
i am always just blown away by how incredible of an artist god really is...almost takes your breathe away!
it was a long exhausting day but worth every minute! can't wait for our next adventure!!! i'm a very blessed woman!