Sunday, May 10, 2009

what's most important

do u ever have those people that walk into your life and you just know that they are always gonna be there? it doesn't matter what u have in life, if you don't have those people that love you and support you nothing else really matters...
next to having a personal relationship with jesus christ...the only thing else that really matters is the people in your life that really makes your life worth living...
people like our best friends....and people like my daddy...
and people that sacrifice everything of themselves to help you become a better person...
people that even when they are gone, they leave an imprint on our soul....these are just a few of the many people who have helped shape me into who i am today...don't take for granted the people god puts into your life...cause some day they will be's been almost 1 yr since my uncle and my grandma have left this earth...there is not a day that goes by that i don't remember heart hurts so bad sometimes that i can barely breathe....but i know that one day soon...i'm gonna see them again....and on that day when i get to heaven...i can't wait to hug them again!!! cherish the people in your never know what tomorrow will bring!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

my little model

here are a few of the shots i did.....
so today i decided i needed to get some photos of callie done for her modeling/acting manager to put in her portfolio...i noticed some sunshine outside...(something we haven't seen in awhile) so we quickly sprang into action. ashton (my oldest daughter) and i quickly pieced together an outfit that we thought would look cute on callie.....a little make up...a little little 8 year old baby girl...kinda looked like she was 11 or 12. 

i don't know what i'm gonna do when my girls are teenagers, the very thought scares me to death...they are just gonna be drop dead gorgeous...i'm's just the truth! lol...anyways we had alot of fun doing these shots and i think callie was very impressed with her mothers photography skills. all my kids want photo shoots now...something fun to do for their bithdays i guess....
i love how these capture her personality....this girl is something else i tell you...she keeps me on my toes!
i loved seeing her dad's look in his eyes...a look of my daughter is so beautiful, and i'm so proud of her....and a bit of 'oh crap'...just wait till the boys start showing up on our door step....hahaha...gonna be interesting!